
Plenty of Notes on Thursdays | Thursday Notes - As ACE Architecture, we see the professional educational activities within the office practice as an important part of architecture production and in this sense we continue to share the seminars, conferences and workshops we have continued to date with the architectural environment.

P'not technical

In addition to the fields of architecture and the activities that will feed it, we gathered our activities where the technical issues related to the profession are shared under the lower series where we named the Pnot Technical. The subject of this event series can cover all kinds of technical subjects from architectural subjects to materials.

P'not Inspire

We continue our series of events under our P'not Inspire series, where all kinds of issues that will feed the architectural field, which we continue on architecture issues. Pnot Inspire events include all kinds of subjects that we can feed ourselves from music to cinema, gastronomy to photography.

P'not chillout

We consider learning as an important part of our production, as well as a little fun and the conversation we have with a beautiful music as one of these pieces. For this reason, we continue to share some of these relaxation sessions in the office with P'not Chill Out activities.

P'not | Plenty of Notes on Thursdays

"Is it possible to contribute to the architectural environment independent of the product?" Apart from the creation of an intellectual infrastructure in ACE, the seminars, conferences and workshops, which are organized with the idea that the discussion environment can be contributed to the architectural environment through the activities of the office on the return of the discussion environment on the history of architectural history, theosiris and criticism, as the search of one of the answers to this question, p'not [ Thursday Notes] is open to the participation of the entire architectural community with the seminar series under the title.


"Silence and Light" Louis Kahn

Müge Cangizkan


La Sagrada Familia "Panaromic"

Caler Gelpi & Agata Buxade


Erimtan Archelogy and Art Museum with the narration of Ayşen Savaş

Ayşen Savaş


Innovative Systems That Guide Water

Veyis Tanrıverdioğlu


Jazz Thursday

Turgay Yalçın


Mimarlıkta Düzen Kavramının Kahn - Venturi Üçgeninde Açılışları

Kenan Güvenç


Ankara'da Modern Konutlar: "Sivil Mimari Bellek Ankara" Projesi Üzerinden Dönemsel Okumalar

Nuray Bayraktar


Gerfloor Çözüm Dünyası: Pratik, Güçlü ve İnovatif Zemin Sistemleri

Can Sönmez


Seren Çoşaner


Planned Coincidences: On Architecture and Photography

Duygu Tüntaş


Günümüz Cephelerinde Cam Seçim Kriterleri

Volkan Oskay


Seren Coşaner Jazz Quartet

Seren Çoşaner


Gallery NEV Kırlangıç

Namık Erkal & Onur Özkoç


The Nature of Design

Oktan Nalbantoğlu


Mehanın Ruhu, Ruhun Mekanı

Aslı Özbay


Kurulmuş Gerçeklik Çağında Kent ve Mimarlık

Abdi Güzer


Merkez Ankara